When It Is Easy by Chino Eze

Think how you have instructed many, how you have strengthened feeble hands. Your words have supported those who stumbled; you have strengthened faltering knees. But now trouble comes to you, and you are discouraged; it strikes you, and you are dismayed.

Job 4:3-5 NIV

Photo by Lina Gordievsky

It is easy to talk about faith when there is no foreboding mountain to conquer.

It is easy to sing about the goodness of God when there is no storm to silence your voice.

It is easy to preach when you are not in pain.

It is easy to say you love God when there are no thoughts in your mind that challenge His judgment.

It is easy to smile and accommodate people when you are not wrestling with bitterness.

It is easy to think about others and lend a helping hand when you are not sighing with sorrow.

It is easy to believe when you don’t feel betrayed.

It is easy to find strength when nothing is draining you of life.

It is easy to be bold when there is nothing to make you fear.

It is easy to dance when you are not passing through the valley of the shadow of death.

It is easy to trust when you are enduring the test of trials.

It is easy to hope when you are not drenched with disappointment and despair.

Sometimes saying that God is good will bring tears to your eyes. Not because you have been struck by some deep revelation, but because you are very much aware of the conflict in your spirit to believe He is good.

Before, it used to be so easy to chime in when others talk and sing about the goodness of God, but now in the midst of trials, you find yourself pausing to ponder what you believe. You have to question if you believe the mantra or if you are just saying what people want to hear.

Can you honestly say that God is good?

You may not be able to say it right now, but as His child, I believe that deep within you, you still hope in The Father.

Therefore, hope in His mercy to see you through the struggle you have right now and to trust in His goodness.

Why should you hope?

You hope because the alternative is to resort to bitterness. It is easy to allow bitterness to cloud your judgment and perception of God.

The struggle is to ignore what circumstances and problems suggest to us about God, but it is in this conflict that we develop character and confidence in Him.

So, even if you may not be able to say that God is good, know that you can still hope in His goodness and mercy.

"The Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love." Psalm 147:11

Chino Eze is a Christian leader, writer, editor, and biomedical engineer by profession. He is a lover of God.

Eze currently lives in Botswana after spending a few years studying in Ukraine. He runs a blog (www.theezez.com) where he shares content on subjects he's passionate about, such as godliness, leadership, personal development, and writing.


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