book Submissions are Closed. Please subscribe for updates
do you have a pure, lovely, and noble book to share with the world?
what we publish
Children's Books
Pre-illustrated Picture Books, Early Readers, Chapter Books (for ages 5-11), Middle-grade Fiction
Memoirs, Religion/Spirituality, Devotional, Christian Living, and the like, including Parenting, Lifestyle, and Apologetics
Christian fiction with a strong message, Historical Fiction, Romance, (no graphic novels)
Please include the following—BOOK Query—Genre—in the subject line of your email when submitting your query to
Your query letter must include:
A working title/sub-title
Genre, i.e. (Children’s Book: Picture Book)
A brief description of the proposed book/word count
Why do you think it’s valuable to publish?
Your intended audience
Your curriculum vita in a bio statement form (3-5 sent.)
The table of contents (if applicable)
One sample chapter (no attachments)
If it’s a children’s picture book, please send the full manuscript along with complete illustrations in a PDF. We currently ONLY accept pre-illustrated books at this time.)
Please include all of this in the body of your email, failure to do so will result in an overlooked submission. We no longer consider poetry books.
“The writer operates at a peculiar crossroads where time and place and eternity somehow meet. His problem is to find that location.”
— Flannery O’Conner
The response time varies from 3-6 months if interested in your book idea. If you do not hear from us within that window, you should assume that we’ve passed on your submission. We do not respond to status inquiries about a submission.
The entire staff at Calla Press Publishng LLC works together to make sure your book makes the long journey from acquisitions to editing to finally being held in your hands. You will hear directly from our wonderful Executive Director, Madison, from start to finish. The design of your book is created by Samantha Cabrera.
Calla Press Publishing LLC is a small independent publisher that cares about quality books. Your book will be made available on and our store website. For books that are not kid's literature, we use Ingram, and make your book available worldwide via, B&N, and other online retailers. We hope to expand in the future.
Though small, we are mighty! Yes, we are a traditional publishing house and enjoy following the traditional model. We are a royalty publisher, send out author copies, and work hard to share your book with the world.
Manuscript format:
Google Docs with editing permission
Document name: Author - Title - Year
1-inch margins all around
Left justified
No spaces between paragraphs; only indentations at the start of each paragraph
1.5 line spacing
Page breaks (not spaces) between chapters/essays/poems
Size 12 font, Cormorant Garamond font
Completed footnotes (not endnotes) in Chicago Manual of Style standards (see this guide on plagiarism)
When a quote exceeds four lines, use a block quote; block quotes are indented 0.5 inches on both sides with a space below and above them in size 10 font
Bold and use title capitalization on chapter/essays titles and headings throughout
For section breaks within a chapter/essay, use three stars (***) centered in the document
Avoid bulleted lists; try to write in paragraphs whenever possible
American spelling
One space after periods
Use the Oxford comma
Jesus’s NOT Jesus’
Whenever you cite Scripture, abbreviate the Bible names and include the translation you are using (reference this guide, using the most commonly used option). See this guide on how to write a Bible reference.
Take note that you are using the proper dashes in the right places (if you’re unsure, please reference this guide)
names that refer to God (e.g., King, Savior, Lord, Father), but not pronouns that refer to God (e.g., he, him, his)
Scripture and Bible, not scriptural or biblical
Gospel is only capitalized when referring to the canonical Gospels (e.g.,. the Gospel of Matthew, Mark)
Use active voice whenever possible, avoiding passive voice