Poems by Aradhana Thakor

I wrote the below two poems for my dad who faithfully carried out prison ministry in India for 38 years even after being bed-ridden. Till the end, he kept visiting the prisons in a wheelchair to share the gospel to those incarcerated behind bars.

 I. My Thorn

Lord! Take this thorn away I cried

So I can carry my task you assigned

Bring lost sheep to your loving fold

So they might have salvation I was told

Once these strong legs were my pride

They cried out to you to be their guide

Swift and eager to obey Thy voice

Content at your every choice

Bur now I feel like an athlete with no feet

Like a caged bird longing to take a leap

This burning passion for lost souls within me

Still makes me ache with burden, can’t you see?

Then He shines a light upon my darkness

Beloved! All you need is my grace in all its greatness

Comes only when you are utterly helpless

So rejoice and take pride in your weakness

For my power works best in your meekness

II. Song behind Bars

I am in bonds coz sin overcame me

Made me it’s slave I now see

My heart beats against these prison walls

I wonder who would hear my bitter calls

Then one day, a stranger approaches me

With kind eyes and holding a Bible I see

He tells me of a love unknown to me

How Jesus died for a sinner like me

Now, I know why I am in these chains

I realize these are now my greatest gains

To know of a Savior who loves me

Endured a criminal’s death for me

My heart breaks out in a song

Now, it’s only You Lord that I long.

III. Footsteps

Dear Lord, how precious are your feet

Tread on painful rocks and thistles in scorching heat

Your blood-stained feet only thought about me

You didn’t spare even a drop but gave it all for me

So today, I bow at your beautiful nail pierced feet

And vow to walk in your footsteps until we meet

IV. My Savior’s Heart

Oh! For Thy love that will not let me be still

I come to thee to surrender all my will

My broken heart I give thee

Make me see what breaketh thee

Thou showeth me Thy bleeding heart for the lost

Oh Lord! I bow to thee no matter how great the cost

"Burning Passion for Lost Souls" is my debut non-fiction book.

Though I am a certified Canadian Payroll Practitioner, books are my true passion! As an incredibly shy person, writing to me is comforting and a deeply satisfying way to express myself. I didn’t know I could compose poems until I started writing my first book. The Lord guided my thoughts to pen down these beautiful poems. When I am not writing, I love to read and disappear into a completely different world, era, country, or even character through books! I am currently writing my second non-fiction book and hope to publish it soon. I live with my husband in Calgary, Canada.


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