"Four Letters" Poem by Merideth Tullous

From a babe you said the simplest word,

Not knowing the depth, it holds.

As time whips by the word grows strong,

Melting my heart with love.

Like fresh falling rain, your voice sings true,

Trusting and knowing no drought.

When happy, when hurt, your heart seeks mine,

Saying the trusted term.

Once gifted this name, He gave me you,

Understanding the weight, it brings.

My arms, my heart, my voice I give,

Yearning to show how much.

My days, my hours, my love I shed,

Praying to never let go.

Mama, Mama you say with such peace,

My child, my precious one.

Merideth Tullous has spent her career in the professional ballet industry. Her most notable contribution was redesigning and managing a now fully-funded community ballet program that reaches thousands of local children-giving them free access to the arts. She has a love for teaching children and has most recently released her first Children’s Christmas book, A Gift to Remember. To learn more about Merideth’s book or to contact for guest articles or speaking engagements, visit www.meridethtullous.com You can also find her on Instagram @tullouswriting.


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