New Mercies for a Heavy Heart by Donna Bucher
Promising something new, each day in the garden provides delights that encourage my frequent visits. Astonished by the rapid changes in plants and flowers, I marveled at God's intricate design for creation. Considering the admonishment in James 4:14, reminded me like the garden, we know not what our life may reveal tomorrow.
But one thing we know beyond all doubt: God gives mercies sufficient for today.
A hectic schedule combined with life's demands often curtails my lingering in the garden daily, which adds to my jubilant surprise at the new changes when I do visit.
Yet despite my thrill with all the fresh splendor greeting me, a melancholy creeps over the scene. Each day in the garden awakens with yet unseen charms awaiting me, but how many go unnoticed?
Like the garden's new offerings daily, God beckons me to a fresh encounter with Him each morning, where I find mercies sufficient for today.
Though the same plants and flowers return and bloom every year, their continual transformation and growth bring a new season. Reminding me to embrace new mercies for the day unfolding before me.
On this particular day, my heart holds the heavy grief of my sister-in-law, nearing the end of her three-year battle with breast cancer. Though prayers for physical healing lay silently unanswered, God’s steadfast love and faithfulness sing with the sunrise.
My beautiful sister-in-law though marred by her illness, bears the radiance of one who knows Hope. Perhaps not the hope of extended life on this earth, but the eternal Hope wrote on her heart with the pen of unfailing Love.
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23
Embracing Today’s Mercies
Of all the months, those of spring usher in many changes throughout my garden. The dreaded rainy days nourish new growth, along with sunny days and warmer temperatures. Yet the garden cannot sustain new growth on yesterday's rain and sun alone. Nurtured by each day's contributions, God cherishes His creation.
In the quiet newness of the morning, thoughts of God cherishing His creation fill me with comfort amid my grief as I remember despite the ravages of cancer, God cherishes my sweet sister-in-law providing nourishment for her soul.
Welcoming God's designed nourishment, the garden opens to its Creator day after day, so we, must receive a fresh revelation of His mercies for today.
My heart becomes thirsty for God's Word, satisfied only when quenched by time spent drinking in its goodness. Yesterday's Living Water provides no refreshment for today. Like the manna gathered by the Israelites, I must seek nourishment daily. Rotted manna from the previous days cannot nourish my spiritual needs today.
New Mercies for New Burdens
God's steadfast love promises not only His presence with us daily but mercies sufficient for today. Each day brings new burdens, and our sovereign heavenly Father knows our exact need for this day.
His mercies come new every morning because we are not promised tomorrow nor hold knowledge of all this day portends.
Turning the eyes of our hearts upon God at the start of our day reminds us of His steadfast, never-ending love in every new burden.
Seeking a fresh revelation in His Word fortifies us for the day ahead, ensuring we remain in The Way. Nourishing our souls with mercies for new growth, strength, and spiritual transformation.
Mercies Sufficient For Today
God's invitation in the garden bids me to consider not only how He nurtures creation but His nurturing care for His own, even in the midst of suffering.
Creation displays His beauty in every sunrise, unfolding leaf, budding flower, and farewell sunset. Do we receive His creative gifts daily?
Held in His steadfast love, we receive mercies sufficient for everything before us today as we seek the nourishment of His Word in the intimacy of a covenant relationship.
Resting in complete trust before our gracious Heavenly Father, every need for this day flows from His all-sufficient hands to ours.
We have but to open our hands and receive mercies designed just for us by His own love-filled hands.