My Confession by Deborah Akano

With the heart man believes, with the mouth confession is made unto salvation

I am not of the lineage of transgressions for the scriptures cannot be broken

Christ was numbered with the transgressors for me

He died for my transgressions

He was raised for my justification

He lives forever in intercession

For me!

I need no other plea nor argument

It is enough that Jesus died and that He died for me!

The scripture cannot be broken

With my heart I believe, with my mouth I confess

I am not of the serpent nor a daughter of Eve deceived by the serpent

I am of Christ in God

I tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy

The scriptures cannot be broken!

With my heart I believe, with my mouth I confess

I am not of darkness

I am of the Light, made of burning and shining Light

I am not dead and not of death

For I believe in Christ the Quickening Spirit, the Resurrection and the Life

Though I was dead, yet shall I live

Now that I live, I shall never die

None of mine shall die

For I am of the women who by Faith receive their dead back to life!

The scriptures cannot be broken!

With my heart I believe, with my mouth I confess

I am not barren, neither am I childless

I am of the order of Sarah; I receive strength to conceive the promised seed and not alternative

I have strength to insist on divine destiny for my seed, their destiny cannot be competed with

I am of the order of Rebekah; I know divine mind concerning my seed

The scripture cannot be broken

With my heart I believe, with my mouth I confess

No ancestry can tie me down

I am of the order of Ruth

I break through into new lineage of redemption and grace

The scriptures cannot be broken

With my heart I believe, with my mouth I confess

I am not weak and inconsistent

I am Deborah wife of Stephen!

I am full of power and might by the Holy Spirit

I stand where men cower

The scripture cannot be broken

With my heart I believe with my mouth I confess

Blessed am I because I believe

For there shall be a performance of all the good spoken concerning me

I receive all that I believe

I am of the order of Mary

The scriptures cannot be broken

I believe! Therefore, have I spoken!



"Son of Man" Poem by Vini Pandya, Author of I Touched the Hem of His Garment


Are you drifting away from God? by Albana Cullhaj