Are you drifting away from God? by Albana Cullhaj

Do we drift away or stay in place?

Every day we open our eyes we are continuing our journey, by taking new steps, new walks and may even enter new pathways.

Are these daily steps leading us to stay in the place where God designed us to be or are they drifting us away from God’s presence?

Today I want us to think of three situations that may trigger a new journey that will take us far from God.

  • Disappointment

We often get disappointed about the important things in life. Our marriage, our kids, people we love the most may disappoint us. We may be disappointed when we are not valued for what we do in our job; instead, we may even see injustices being done.

When these things happen to us, we may start thinking, "This is not fair!" Feeling bad, angry, and lacking motivation is what comes next and fills our life if we allow it.

Psalm 62:8 “Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts before Him. God is our refuge."

Turn disappointment in God’s appointments, using this situation so you can meet more often with God in your prayer place. As the Psalmist says, pour out your heart and wait to trust him because God’s plans for you are greater than any situation you may be going through.

  • Time flies

We often say time flies, but at the same time, we often forget that we are the pilot. We decide what we want to do with our time. If we allow it, we may get busy all day long with work, housework,  friends, going out with our loved ones, having no time left for God. Or, as pilots of our own time, we can create an itinerary that will include daily stops to the reading and prayer place. If we spend more time with Him, we are near to Him.

Colossians 4:5  "Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time."

  • Running nonstop after “ a better life”

In the USA where I live,  I see people running from work to work, trying to have a better house, buy a better TV, a better car, a better...something.

Do not get me wrong, we all work so we can have what we need, but we should know when to stop. Is the value of what money can buy our daily motivation? Are we allowing money to become the object of our love?

For the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil, and some by longing for it have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.

1 Timothy 6:10

Let us not allow things and situations to create a hollow between us and God. It is easier to avoid it than overcome it.

Let us pray:

Dear Lord, I want to be near you, even though many things try to get in between us. Speak to me if I am allowing these things to drive me away from you. Please help me to overcome them.

In your name I pray,



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