A Life of Impact by Deborah Akano

Fading away like the stars of the morning

Losing their light in the glorious sun

Thus would we pass from the earth and its toiling

Only remembered by what we have done

Everyone wants to leave a mark on the sands of time, but all most people ever do is be a mirage flashing across the paths of others in life. While others carve their memories upon diamonds and leave unfading indentures on the people’s hearts and lives; others live and go as if they never lived.

Some lived and were never remembered, they are quickly forgotten; others are always remembered, forever cherished. What makes the difference?

The truth is we all make impacts, in one way or the other we all affect the lives that come in contact with us. We touch hearts and lives and leave our marks on them by our words, gestures, actions, reactions, and even inactions.

Yet, not all impacts are enviable. Some have lived and touched lives in such a way that their memories are gold; always surviving the furnace of the test of time, forever cherished. Some others leave memories that are better not made and make the “lives’ of the never-born sound more worthwhile and appealing than theirs. Such have tears, heartbreaks, evil, and all sorts of wickedness as their memorial forever.

The bible says, "The memory of the righteous is blessed, but the name of the wicked will rot." Proverbs 10:7

We would all be remembered. The question is what will you be remembered for? Will your memory be blessed or will your name rot?

The answer to this question depends on your choices. The choices you have made in the past, the choices you're making now, and the ones you will make in the future.

The choices you've made in the past are mostly responsible for the impact your life has made so far. They are responsible for the impressions you've left with people and how they perceive you.

Thankfully, it doesn't really matter what your past choices look like. Today is a new day! You can begin to make the right choices from now on and start living a life of positive impact.

You can choose to forgive those who have hurt you and seek forgiveness from those you've hurt. Now is a good time to start afresh. You can choose to put a smile on the face of the next person you meet. It could be as simple as that.

You can choose to submit to the Lordship of the Lord Jesus Christ and let His Spirit guide all your decisions from now on. You cannot but make a positive impact when His Spirit is living in and guiding your every step.

He says the thoughts He thinks about you are thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. In other words, He wants you to have a hopeful and bright future. He will take you by the hand and lead you into it.

He will help you make the right choices. He will give you the grace to do what is right always. He will help you light up wherever you are. You will be illuminated and become a constant illumination to others.

He will make you the salt of the earth. You will be adding flavor to people's hearts and lives. As you live as salt and light by His grace, you will be remembered for good even after you're long gone.



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