Dumpster-Diving Deity by Mark D. Stucky

Dirty, broken, and forgotten,
discarded as worthless junk
at garage sales and trash collections,
were treasures I have rescued.
Where others saw rubbish,
the eye of this beholder
saw creative potential.
After repairing, cleaning,
and polishing or painting,
the old items were resurrected
into new lives and new homes
with myself and others.

Likewise, the Word-made-flesh dumpster-dove
into the bloody wreckage of our world,
to rescue us from our garbage heaps,
repair our hopeless brokenness,
scrub our grimy hearts,
polish our potential,
and find us forever homes
within divine community
in this world and the next.

Mark D. Stucky has degrees in religious studies, pastoral ministry, and communications. He has been a technical and freelance writer for three decades. During his day job, he has documented diverse products, from satellite communications to building automation systems. In free time, he has written articles, stories, and poems on a variety of (usually spiritual) topics. He has received over three dozen writing and publication awards. For more writings, see cinemaspirit.info.


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