Dissipating Haze by Nicole Wells

The snow grips the evergreen bush outside my window.
The contrast of white against the tired, brown-edged green.

My soul whispers low.

Make me new, oh Lord—
I’m clinging to you.

Take my weary, jaded heart worn and dimmed
with the burden of battling the haze.
It covers my mind and blankets the atmosphere in gray
until darkness looms again on this short day.

You are unchanging—
yet all things to everyone, revealing your glory to those willing to see.

You are light—
illuminating paths and mocking darkness.

You are life—
nourishing the naked trees that they might birth new life.

The landscape nods to death
but you weave it together to exude beauty and reflect light.

Under the surface where we cannot see,
new life is coming.

You tell all of creation to sing.
And it sings.
And it quiets.
And it rushes.
And it falls.
And it flourishes.

The snowflakes and the stars point to you.
The bare branches with outstretched arms point to you.

I, with my cracked hands and pale skin and haze over my mind—
I, in my faith that you renew and you heal and you are good—
I point to you.

Nicole Wells is a Content Marketing Specialist. She helps non-profits and local businesses share their mission and grow. She lives in the Midwest with her husband and three kids. She overcomes seasonal affective disorder by writing, getting outside, and seeking the elusive sun and the Creator who made it. linkedin.com/in/wellscopy


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