The Garden by Kimberly Olivera Lainez

Dark mornings

crisp winter air

blue streaking across the sky,

the cold breath of January.

I dream of the garden

warm sunlight filling every crevice

deep roots settling over the earth

green life sighing bliss.

Gardens in winter,

life pushing through.

No longer will we be asleep.

The ground swallows frost

and death will be no more.

A country of reconciliation

a homeland where earth meets sky,

where life bleeds across the horizon.

In the morning light,

I sip my milky caramel latte

warm on my tongue

sweet as the promised land

of milk and honey.

I dream of Eden.

Kimberly Olivera Lainez is a North Carolina writer, poet, and author of her debut collection of poetry To Let Myself Go. She has had work published in A.B.Baird's My Still Waters book anthology, Indelible Ink Writers, and Harness Magazine. She likes to explore topics of faith, growth, trauma, healing, nature, love, and the tumultuous highs and lows of life. You'll often find her writing in a coffee shop, spending time with her husband and two huskies, and reading her Bible.


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