Devotional Entry for 9/3/2019

I say am I am good in all things concerning you,do you not believe this, beloved? I am just and mighty—powerful. I take youinto my arms to give you rest and to let your worries scavenge for themselves.Do you believe who I say I am? Do you believe I can wrap all your anxiety andworries and toss them straight into the sea? It would be so if only you believed.

My God is just, I know this well. Sometimes, I imagine I’m in a field, touching flowers, getting lost in their beauty. I become so enthralled with the wildflowers and how they grow, that I become lost in this field. I lose my sense of direction. And I realize this is the only place I wish to lose myself in because, in a way, I feel I’m lamenting all my sorrows out into the vast open field. I’m letting them wander there. I feel all my brokenness fly away and billow into the wind. It’s all a matter of becoming mindless and filling—feeling—myself be enthralled by Jesus Christ again. Do I believe who you say you are, Father? Yes, yes—I believe you can bind my wandering anxieties and worries and frivolous thoughts and toss them to the wind. May I lose myself daily, to become more wrapped up in you. May I succumb to this lostness to be found by you.


Devotional Entry for 9/4/2019


Devotional Entry for 9/2/2019