Devotional Entry for 9/4/2019

I will make sure you take time to stop—to breathe—and to remember what living life with Me is all about.

I felt God tenderly whisper this to my soul after drivinghome from work. A big trash truck was blocking the street so I began to slowdown. However, that wasn’t what fully stopped the car—a young boy came running downthe hill towards the street. At first, I didn’t think he was going to stop, butthen he turned around and crouched at the curb. I had no idea why until I sawthe absolute tiniest puppy come running down the stairs to the young boy onlyto be picked up and kissed gently on the head. I don’t know why, but thatinnocent love struck me hard in the car. I have been driving so fast lately, soquickly in life, that I’ve forgotten to take time to remember what living lifewith Jesus is all about. It’s about taking the time to be grateful, to live outthe fruit of the spirit and bless others. It’s not about me. It’sstopping to realize the beauty that’s taking place around us. I guarantee ifyou just take five minutes to stop, and look around, you’ll see the beautyeverywhere. That’s what living with Jesus looks like, too.


Featuring Emily Barbara Gabrielse


Devotional Entry for 9/3/2019