Devotional Entry for 9/2/2019

          Ihave always been a busy bee; whether I’m painting or working on my magazine, Isimply can’t keep still. I also struggle with thinking—a lot. In fact, Ithink so much that my mind is often fatigued. Many understand this, I know.Yet, as a Christian, I’m suffering under the notion of being busy and notcarving out time for Jesus. I suffer from not spending time with Jesus. Ithink of it this way; imagine having a large block of wood. Yes, it’s alreadybeautiful, but imagine getting the tools you need to carve something truly fascinating.The more tools you acquire, the better able we are equipped to carve out theimage from the wood. But, without the tools, we simply can’t do much with ourown hands and the wood alone. We need the tools. We need Jesus. We need HisWord—the ultimate andperfect tool. I know keeping busy is efficient, trust me, but it’s not asrewarding as being with Jesus—with Elohim. Some don’t even know what thislooks like, and it’s different for many. For me, it looks like reading andsoaking in His Word and then pouring it out in a written devotional. Writinghas always been a part of me ever since I was a little girl; I always had ajournal in my hand and a pen, waiting to scribe the next best thing. The truthis, I discovered the next best thing in Jesus, and you can, too.


Devotional Entry for 9/3/2019


Washington Dc Wedding - Emily & Kieran