A Tribute to Dad - Where Hope and Sorrow Meet by Esther Florence

“I know this is exhausting, come over my son,” said the gentle voice,
And you closed your weary eyes, forever in His presence to rejoice,
You opened your eyes in the presence of the One you loved and served,
And as you entered the pearly gates, a welcoming chorus was heard,
“Well done, good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of the Lord.”

A beautiful life of faith, love, integrity, humility, and honesty,
A clear conscience before God and man,
A life that stood strong against the forces of evil, a life well-lived,
Shining brightly like the stars forever and ever,
The beauty and splendor of heaven overwhelmed you,
The sight of all our loved ones of yesteryears, both friends and family,

A place of pure joy and happiness, glowing faces, infectious smiles,
No tears or pain, no sickness, no sorrow, no worries,
No hard feelings, forever at peace, content, and rejoicing,
Forever hearing the applaud of the Savior, “Well done my son!”

I can almost hear you say,
“ When tomorrow starts without me,
Don’t think we are far apart,
For every time you think of me,
I am right there in your heart.”

“Dad, people say the world is bad,

Evil, wicked and only the dishonest succeed…

There is no place for justice they say…

And that it is simply senseless to live that way

But dear dad, you proved them all wrong.

You could have had riches at your doorstep if you wanted to;

You could have manipulated the powers you had;

You could have justified evil as many people do,

But to your Saviour you always remained true

And that’s why Dad we are proud of you.

It does not matter there isn’t millions in your bank account

It does not matter that you don’t live in a mansion with servants to attend on you

But it does matter that in Heaven you have a lasting treasure

In which by your integrity, honesty and simplicity you’ve been investing beyond measure

And we thank the Lord, dear dad

That you have become the landscape that is home,

The mountain that we look to from afar,

No matter where we go we’re not alone,

For you remain within to still our fears

And be the word who tells us who we are.


I am Esther Florence, a content writer, and an editor. I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and desire to write for the glory of His name and the furtherance of His gospel. I live in Chennai, India, and am the mother of two daughters. I love writing, editing, Bible journaling, reading books, and listening to music. I would love opportunities to write more for the Lord Jesus especially for children.


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