Fighting the Good Fight of Faith by Christina Briggs

The year 2020 has become quite the year for many with Covid-19 in our grip. I can recall the day I stood in the grocery line for almost an hour, observing the panic-stricken faces moving one by one in the isles. Their shopping carts were filled to the brim as if the apocalypse had hit.

The scene was like something out of a movie. For a brief moment, worry crept in, when I saw the meat isles emptied for the first time ever, and the bread shelves near empty. I was thankful to have only needed a few items for the week.

Things only got harder from there. I made the tough decision to quit the job that I loved for 2.5 years out of fear of bringing covid home to my family. On top of that, my husband and I were dealing with the emotional effects it was taking on our teenage boys. Our oldest was hit hard with him getting his driver's license delayed and not getting his first job due to restaurants shutting down. Both of our kids struggled to not hang out with friends as much as they were used to.

The days and weeks that went by were certainly trying on us all some days. I laid in bed one evening looking up at the ceiling, wondering how I was going to keep everyone afloat. Wondering how long this pandemic would last and if we'd be able to see our loved ones again. Then suddenly, I remembered the Lord's promise in the bible. Deuteronomy 31:8 And the Lord, it is He that goes before you; he will be with you, he will not fail you, neither forsake you: fear not, neither be dismayed."

I felt comfort when reflecting on God's Word and realized I'm not alone in this storm that we are in. I cried to the Lord that night, giving Him my worries and complaints. It felt good to cry it out and get things off of my chest.  I'd spent so much time trying to keep everyone happy and calm that I'd forgotten God in the whole process, rather than seeking Him out in the first place.  I thought of another verse in the bible that my youngest son and I often recite, and I must say...I was disheartened to realize I hadn't lived it out for myself. 2Timothy1:7 "God doesn't give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind."

I was reminded of the importance of meditating on God's Word daily, so when I'm in the midst of storms, I'll be ready to face them right on.

Christina Briggs lives in Nashua, NH, with her husband, two children, and family pet husky. She's a compassionate caregiver by day and freelance writer by night.


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