Worth in Christ by Mike Buchanan

You’re a drug addict.  They were lepers.  Yet Christ touched and healed them.

You’re confused about who you are.  She was a prostitute.  Yet Christ forgave her.

You fight depression, fear and anxiety.  He was a coward.  Yet God made him a mighty warrior.

You cheated on your spouse.  He had a woman’s husband killed, so he could have her for himself.  Yet the Lord still used him to be a mighty king in Israel.

The “you” is you, my reader.  The comparisons are people who God touched.  People who God used sometimes in amazing ways despite people not seeing their value.  Sometimes despite themselves not seeing their own worth.

We, you and I, are mere humans.  When we look at ourselves, it can be easy to think there’s not much worth in anything we do.  There’s always someone smarter.   Someone is always better looking.  Someone is always stronger.  Someone makes less mistakes.  Someone is always…better.

John the Baptist had a great approach to it.  I must decrease, but He (Jesus) must increase.  As humans in our own might, apart from the will of God, we really can’t do much of anything of value.  Paul went so far as to say “Without Him we can do nothing.”  Yet when we yield ourselves to God, when we let Him work in us and through us, we can do more than we ever thought possible.

We wander around under burdens.  The burden of parental expectations.  The load of our own unmet needs.  The weight of Satan reminding us of our failures.  The anchor of religious rules without love.  Christ offers a better way. 

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” 

Matthew 11:28-30

That yoke links you and Jesus as you walk along.  He makes up for all your weakness.  He clears up your confusion.  He brings unity within yourself and between you and others.  He gives you boldness.  He will make you whole.  You are worthy because He says you are.  No one can prove otherwise.  You have value because He says you do. He paid the ultimate price to show it.  Isn’t it time you looked at yourself the same way?


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