The Woman At His Feet by Yvonne

Have you ever laid at His feet in the middle of the night?

Crying bitter tears, wanting to give up this fight

Have you ever been so down to where you couldn't even lift your head?

Everyday become a burden and every night you would dread

You tried turning to the left, you tried turning to the right

Darkness all around you while reaching for the light

You've done all you can, feeling as though you wanna die

Waiting and waiting, but still God doesn't reply

Your soul is in turmoil and such despair

You're too weak to hope for even a breath of fresh air

You feel lifeless and your spirit is now broken

From the pain of life and by the words the enemy has spoken

In your heart you tell God I give up on this thing called life

All the hurt, the pain, the troubles and strife

That was the day He spoke a word that went straight to my heart

He said, "Daughter, the love I have for you not even death can keep us apart"

As I feel to my knees in the presence of my King

That's when His glory overtook me with healing in His wings

A voice like thunder and lightning shook me to my very core

Every burden was lifted, and the pain was no more

As I laid before Him, my Lord and my King

At that moment in my heart I knew I could withstand anything

He gave me strength, He gave me power and all authority

That night I knew this journey called life was not about me

From my eyes has fallen the scales of deceit

The woman that now stands before you

Is That Woman At His Feet!

I am a multi-genre writer.  I have several inspirational books published and two songs produced.  I am a playwright, minister, and do performing.  I attribute my gift for writing to God and I am incredibly grateful that He has given me the opportunity to share with others and I give God all the glory.  I have been blessed with the opportunity to share some of my poetry at conferences including Santa Fe, New Mexico. I am humbled by my life experiences and by God using me as a vessel to encourage and inspire others.  To God Be The Glory!


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