When you are Waiting on God by Chino Eze

When you are waiting on God, time doesn’t stand still, but it sure does seem like it, especially when others seem to be speeding by.

The temptation is to get up and get busy with something else. But, if you are a true believer and seek to do the will of God, waiting on God is not something you cannot escape.

Waiting is one of the tests to which God almost invariably subjects the servant He intends to use.

Derek Prince

There are many emotions involved in waiting on God. The foremost is impatience. It is hard to remain calm, especially when you know that you are waiting on God, with whom, the Bible says, nothing is impossible.

There are questions I have struggled with, which I am sure you might have too:

If God is as mighty as the Bible tells us, then “Why is He taking so long to respond? Why is He not doing anything?”

Anyone who has waited on God knows the feeling of frustration and weariness that overwhelms the spirit.

Waiting on God is synonymous with prayer. A preacher puts it this way:

Sometimes it’s a groan, sometimes it’s a tear, sometimes it’s a broken sentence, sometimes it’s a sigh, but it is PRAYER!

Such prayer can come as a sigh, a whisper, a tear, a groan, or a cry, but that is what waiting is!

Many things come your way, and you must realize that it all God’s attempt to get your attention.

What you may not realize is that long before you started waiting on God, He was waiting on you. If you’d care to reflect on all the experiences that led you to where you are right now, you would see how patiently He has been waiting on you.

Now, something significant has gotten your attention: maybe failed plans, the death of a loved one, loss of your job, or it could be family problems beyond any human intervention.

He has finally gotten your attention, and now it’s your turn to wait on Him.

And, oh, He will so try your patience to see what you are truly made of, as another preacher put it: There is an anguish of soul in waiting on God. There is travail in waiting. And, there is a discipline in waiting.

The most challenging aspect of waiting on God is that you never know how long you have to wait, and while waiting, it always seems like the end is never in sight.

But one thing is sure you cannot afford to give up because you could be on the verge of your breakthrough.

The encouragement I have for anyone waiting on God, for whatever it might be: financial breakthrough –or the salvation of a loved one, whatever it is: let patience have her complete work in you.

Waiting is a school, and when you graduate, you cannot do less than prosper. When you wait on God the right way, strength comes.

“They that wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary, and they shall walk, and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:31 ESV)

It is a promise, and God’s Word never fails:

And it is not just about waiting; your attitude as you wait is also crucial.

As you wait on God, hold on to His promises, declare them, have faith, and rest in the peace that God gives.

As you wait, don’t neglect the work of God but give yourself wholeheartedly to the service of the kingdom.

“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season, we will reap if we do not give up.” (Galatians 6:9 ESV)

May God be with you as you wait.

One thing you’d soon discover in your walk with God is that waiting is never over. What you are waiting for might change as time goes on.

But waiting is a tool. It is the means through which God adds virtues to a believer to the end that the believer stands perfect in the fullness of the stature of Christ (James 1:4).

Right now, it may seem to you that there is no strength to wait for another year, for a month, a day, or even the next minute. But you don’t need to concern yourself with that because you can be sure that our God is a very present help in the time of trouble.

The God that cares for the sparrows cares for you.

When you need it, the power to wait is there, and it is in abundant supply. You don’t look within yourself for strength, but you look to Jesus.

Chino is a Christian leader, writer, editor, and biomedical engineer by profession. He is also a lover of God.

He currently lives in Botswana, after spending a few years studying in Ukraine.

Chino runs a blog where he shares content on subjects that he's passionate about such as godliness, leadership, personal development, and writing.


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