Wait Upon The Lord by Peace Nkeiruka

Photo by Lina Gordievsky

Wait upon the Lord,

Lean upon His Cross.

When earth's trials surround your soul,

believe in all His Word.

Cheer up, O' soul

and wait, I say

upon the Lord your God.

He will not forget thee

nor the promises He made thee.

He will never leave thee

nor ever forsake thee.

Therefore be patient in Him.

Wait upon His will,

Oh, lean on His cross

and rest your weary soul.

Peace Nkeiruka Maduako is a writer from Imo state, Nigeria. She has had some of her poems and short stories published in online magazines and blogs since September 2020. Many of her poems are published on her personal Facebook page, PeaceGirl works. She's an undergraduate and writes fiction and poems. She believes strongly that 'words fitly spoken are like apples of gold in pictures of silver. She can be reached on Facebook at peace.nkeiruka.56. and on email  nkeiruka2001@gmail.com.


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