Unanswered Prayers by Cassie Downs

I was young and in what I thought waslove. I had my eyes on this guy, we’ll call him Matt, for what seemed likeforever to a tween girl. I thought for sure this was the guy I would marry. Ihad finally found him after twelve years of being on this earth. It seems alittle silly now. But at the time, he was my reason for living, or so Ithought.

Fast forward a few years later. Matt andI had been dating (although dating was against the rules for me until I was 16)for a few years when he realized I wasn’t nearly as cool as his buddies whocould leave their parent's side. Matt was a couple of years older than me, andhe could drive and date long before his little girlfriend!

I can still remember the sting ofrejection when he told me it was over. I cried for what seemed like aneternity. I was broken and confused. He was “the one,” the one I prayed to keepforever! Why had God not answered my prayer?

This little story I know sounds goofy,but as a young girl, I assure you it was real to me. I became crushed, andangry God hadn’t answered my prayers to keep this one around. There couldn’tpossibly be another quite like this one.

Have you been there? Maybe not a teengirl falling for the wrong guy, but there, that place of unanswered prayers(pretty sure there’s a country song about this). Perhaps your unanswered prayeris that of healing or restoration, forgiveness, or finances. Whatever it is,we’ve all had those moments. And sometimes, we get angry and question God. WeFEEL let down and rejected. Why would God not answer our prayer? After all,scripture says He’ll give us the desires of our hearts. And that’s where westart and stop with this scripture. But did you know there is more to it thanthat? Let me show you.

Delightyourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. (Psalm37:4 ESV)

Anagis the Hebrew word for delight inthis passage. Anagmeans to be delicate, to be happy about, to take exquisitedelight.

In other words, when we are in closefellowship with the Lord, happy in who He is, our hearts desires will match HISdesires. Could it be all those years of praying to marry my childhood crush wasa selfish desire? I’m going to have to say yes. I can now look back and thankGod that He doesn’t answer every prayer I’ve ever prayed. The Lord knew what Ineeded even all those years ago. He knew Dustin, my husband, was the man thatwould fit my life entirely. Dustin was the one who would love and support mycraziness and wild dreams. Dustin was the one who would lead me toward the fatherday after day. God had a plan for my life, and He knew all the things I didn’tknow or would even consider. And I’m forever grateful for my unanswered prayer.

Unanswered prayers hurt sometimes, and Iunderstand that some unanswered prayers are more than a childhood romance. AndI don’t have an explanation for you as to why some people receive healing onearth while others don’t receive theirs until they reach heaven. I don’t alwaysunderstand why some find restoration in their relationships while others areleft broken. What I do know is that Satan is real, his plots are real, and hisvery purpose is to steal, kill, and destroy God's children. But can I remindyou that Jesus came to give us life! And that “life” can even be found in ourunanswered prayers. Don’t lose sight of God's goodness in the midst of yourunanswered prayer. Maybe God sees something you can’t yet see. Ask God to alignyour heart, your desires, with His and see if your prayers don’t begin tochange.

And maybe you’re saying, “but Cassie,this is a bit more serious” can I gently remind you, amid your unansweredprayers, “all things work together forthe good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose.”(Romans 8:28 CSB)

Sometimes we must keep our eyes on Jesus and trust him to create some sort of good out of a bad situation.

Cassie Downs is a Bible teacher, author, retreat host, and serves as operations pastor at The Hill Church.  A leader full of passion for seeing women follow Jesus and His plan for their life. Cassie is an avid reader and loves to travel. Cassie lives in Stockton, Missouri with her husband Dustin and their three children. Connect with Cassie at cassiedowns.com


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