The Day Baby Jesus Went Missing by Terry Gassett

It started out a day like any other. We had just entered into the season of Advent. The Christmas decorations were up and our hearts were filled with eager anticipation of the coming celebration of Christ’s birth. The tree, our traditional live Frasier Fur, perfumed the entire living room with a smell that was vaguely reminiscent of fresh oranges. It’s white lights twinkled brightly providing a welcome glow on this otherwise cold, dreary, winter’s day. Red and gold bulbs adorned its branches and red ribbons cascaded elegantly from the huge bow crowning the tree’s top.

Behind the sofa, red Poinsettias graced both sides of the sofa table, and in the middle, stood our nativity set. It was purchased years ago, before my husband and I were married, from local artisans in the Holy Land. It has been a source of great joy in our home ever since. It is undeniably the most important symbol that we own of what Christmas is really about: the coming of the Christ Child.

Each Christmas as we gaze upon the beautiful hand carved figurines of Joseph and Mary, the shepherd boy, and the three wise men, accompanied by cows and sheep keeping watch, our hearts are filled anew with amazement at this humble, yet glorious scene.

But what astounds us most is gazing upon Baby Jesus lying in the center of it all. Baby Jesus, God in the flesh, Emmanuel, God with us, come to dwell among us, bringing the gift of salvation to our sin-sick world.

Our little granddaughter seemed to be equally amazed with Baby Jesus. During her visits with us, she returned often to the manger scene and hesitantly but gently touched Jesus. One day, unknown to us, she decided to take Baby Jesus from the manger scene and put Him with the rest of her “babies” which she proudly carried with her wherever she went.

 It wasn’t long before my husband and I noticed the empty place in the manger and began the search to find Baby Jesus.  Although we searched diligently for some time, sadly neither of us could find Him anywhere.

When our granddaughter next visited she was carrying Baby Jesus with her. She reached out her precious little hand and opened it to reveal the Christ Child. “I’m sorry, Nina and Papa,” she said. “I took Baby Jesus to Mimi’s (her other grandmother) house without asking. She told me to bring Him back.”

The three of us returned Baby Jesus to the manger and then stood gazing at Him in adoration.

That day, which began like any other, has since become etched in my memory. It has made me acutely aware of all the ways I unintentionally remove Baby Jesus from the nativity each Christmas season. Far too often, in the midst of Christmas preparations - the cooking, the cleaning, the shopping, the gift-wrapping, the card-sending, the hosting, - I am the one who removes Him from His rightful place. Caught up in the hustle of the holidays, I too forget what the season is all about: God’s one and only son, born of a virgin, lain in a manger, God in the flesh, sent to save us from our sins. Recalling this memory each year, reminds me to carefully guard Jesus’s place in the manger. It reminds me to keep my gaze on Him as I wait with anticipation to celebrate His birth.  It has taught me to savor the familiar Christmas story found in the books of Matthew and Luke, and to sing my favorite Christmas hymns with more fervor. It prompts me to bow at this little one’s feet in worship - this Baby Jesus, this King of Kings, this Deliverer, this Savior. My Savior.  And it causes my heart to overflow with gratitude for the most precious Christmas gift of all - Baby Jesus lying in a manger.

I was born and raised in the Deep South and still, live, play and work here.

I have been happily married for over 33 years to the love of my life, and we have three grown children, three granddaughters (two that are twins!) and a Chi Chi/Jack Russell (perpetual pup) mix.

I am a Life Design Coach, and Writer.  I work with Creative Christian Women in a Life Design Process - one in which they discover and design a life they will love living in.

When not listening to women's hearts through the coaching process, I am expressing my own through writing. My work has been featured on online blogs and magazines such as Belle Inspiration; Two Drops of Ink: A Literary Blog; Grace Notes - the companion blog to Bella Grace Magazine; and on The Joyful Life - the companion blog to The Joyful Life Magazine.

I am currently writing my first Book: Le Jardin: A Legacy of Love.


Q&A with Illustrator Paula Oliosi


Unanswered Prayers by Cassie Downs