The Exhaustion of It All by Jessie Verm

Annie Spratt

Once again,
Exhaustion sets in.
Though today’s to-do list
Never included the gym,
I begin weight lifting
Despite my eyes’ demands of drifting.
I raise my heavy lids
Determined to extract
Productivity, beauty, and grit.
Though exhausting,
Each moment is a gift.
Despite my eyes burning,
I buoy myself to keep on
To sustain momentum
Of each rep
Amid life’s dizzying song.
Keep on working
Keep on stepping right along.
To keep on dreaming
And keep on scheming.
But then my body
Demands an intermission.
Just as the sun
Is not afraid to
Call the day done,
I realize the pressing need for rest
Even amidst reality’s mess
Of chasing down dreams…
Living well
Also means
Giving my body the rest
It so desperately needs.

Jessie Verm navigates this lovely, wild, and uncertain world by seeking out moments of beauty, truth, and goodness. She lives in Houston with her fabulous husband and dog. Since the birth of their daughter, Jessie’s time for writing has fallen into smaller windows during naps, feedings, and after bedtime. This empowered her to approach writing in new, creative ways. Throughout this transition, she began to think in prose and to immerse herself in writing poetry.


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