The Day I Used Lotion Instead of Sunscreen by Brianna Barrett

Some days I don’t pay attention to the here and now. I’m wrapped up in a to-do list or a conversation in my head. This time it was about my writing. I was thinking of what I was writing while I got ready and applying sunscreen so we could go to the beach. Little did I realize that the “sunscreen” bottle had the same color top as my lotion. Not paying attention, I lather up quickly and run to catch up with my son. Fast forward three hours on the beach later, and my skin seems a bit hot and tight. Well sweetie you wore lotion today instead of sunblock! Insert forehead smack here. 

How often are we wrapped up in our own problems or own circumstances that we fail to pay attention to what’s around us? I’m raising my hand and waving it around because clearly, I’m guilty of it. My hot pink shoulders are a nice reminder. 

Am I too wrapped up in my own issues to notice my fellow neighbors? Am I missing out on opportunities to love others in a special way that God is calling me to? Am I too concerned with what others are doing or have to be thanking God for where I am, what I have, and where I am going?

This mishap reminded me that I’m too focused on MY circumstances and not focused where I should be focusing and that is on GOD.

In Paul’s letter to the Philippians, he encourages them to be content in their circumstances, whatever they may be. In Philippians 4:11-13, Paul says, “not that I was ever in need, for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach, or empty, with plenty or little. For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength” (Philippians 4:11-13 NLT). Am I following Paul’s instructions living my life content in all situations or am I guilty of I need more, more, more? 

Three verses prior Paul had just reminded us to keep our thoughts focused on things that are true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, and admirable (Philippians 4:8 NLT). He didn’t say for me to be focusing on what I don’t have or on what I think I need, we need to stay focused on God. I totally get that our thoughts wander and as a mom, my mind goes way faster than my mouth or hands most days. But this incident with the lotion made me realize I need to slow my role. I need to slow my thoughts down and start refocusing on what matters, God. 

In order to do that, I am going to take my thoughts captive. Here’s how I started focusing more on God and less on myself:

  1. Prayer – starting my day with prayer, praying more throughout the day, and ending the end in prayer.  Prayer isn’t just at meal times but throughout the day.  I pray with my son on the way to school, I pray before meetings and hard conversations.  Prayer shouldn’t be a last resort but a conversation with God. When it’s me in the car alone I do a lot of praying, it is some of the only times I get to myself during the day and I use it to talk to God.  So when you pass me on the interstate and you think what a nutty lady she’s talking to herself, I’m really having a conversation with God.  
  2. Read the Bible more - each morning I get up before my family in order to spend time alone with God in His word.  I’ve joined Bible Studies which helps hold me accountable.  My family started on a chronological Bible reading plan through an app on everyone’s phone.  We all hold each other accountable, you know when someone hasn’t read for the day and there is discussion.
  3. Refocus and reflect on what I learn - journaling helps me to refocus. Sometimes I just need to get it out of my head and other times I just need to write out God’s promises and truths that I do know.  When I write it out it seems to make it more real for me and helps me to see where I’m getting tripped up The more I focus on God the less I focus on what I don’t have because I’m not looking at what others have. 

When I see my thoughts running wild like a preschooler on a beach, I need to stop and start praying.

Asking Our Heavenly Father to help me align my thoughts with His. It’s easiest to do this when you are in The Word, which is the next helpful thing. I’m not the first person to have doubts or let my circumstances cloud my mind and judgment. (Moses, David, Jonah) Once I’m in the Word and prayer I’ll be able to refocus and reflect on what God’s telling me, what God’s showing me, and what I should be focusing on.

So today I’m going to start aligning my thoughts with God, and I’m going to do those three steps of praying, being in the Word, and refocusing as often as need to, will you join me in focusing on God and His goodness? Let my lesson in paying attention to the here and now serve us both as a reminder not to get too wrapped up in ourselves and to focus on God.

  1. Which of the three items can you incorporate into your life today?
  2. What is the truth that you need to tell yourself to cancel out the lie?
  3. How can I pray for you today?

Lord Jesus, we thank you for being with us always.  I don’t fear tomorrow because you are with me in the hard stuff and the good stuff.  Thank you Gracious Father for your reminders to focus on You and not on my temporary circumstances.  In Jesus’ beautiful name, Amen. 

Brianna is a Carolina girl that loves Jesus and her family. She enjoys watching the sunrise, photography, reading, writing, and paddleboarding. According to her teenage son, she’s a master chef in the kitchen, making gluten-free cuisine from around the world. Her writing has appeared in numerous publications including Faith On Every Corner, The Christian Journal, and Our Story Magazine. Check out her latest works at and connect with her on Instagram @briannagrams1.


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