The Cocoon by Autumn Foster

There were whispers of more,

Knocking at the windows of her heart, an ache that would not subside. 

This sound spoke so loudly that she knew it was the seed. 

Instinct tugged at her heart so, desire planted and build deepened with each new day. 

She wanted so desperately to give what she lacked, and realized the possibility of such, if only for the cocoon. She knew that surviving the harsh elements, and life’s unspoken realities were impossible without it. 

To give out of the abundance of her heart, metamorphosis had to take place; she wrapped herself in the cocoon. Withdrawing from distractions. Unrealistic expectations. Covered. 

She rested while spending time in the presence of the Lord, in the beauty of holiness, and being made whole. She transformed. Emerged full of what her heart had always longed for - God’s love. 

It was clearer than ever that love was the only thing that truly mattered. Its power exudes with the expectation that once given, love testifies of itself. A forever tree with the fruit of its likeness, growing from everlasting to everlasting; like the extraordinary butterfly - giving treasures of hope.

Seeing lives changed under the transformative power of The Holy Spirit has always been a magnetizing draw for Autumn Foster. What began as encouragement for others through the vehicle of social media, with simplicity and Scripture, blossomed into a beautiful journey of self-healing. Vocationally faithful in Civil Services and Family Engagement Advocacy, her true purpose is connecting people to God. Thus, a love of writing deepened as she intentionally spent time in the presence of The Lord and began pouring out what she received. 
Devoted to her husband and four boys, she would say that “nothing outweighs the gratification of giving love and seeing the fruit of love in their lives”. “There is nothing more powerful than love. It is always worth fighting for”. You can connect with Autumn on Instagram.


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