The Beauty of An Unfinished Frame by Autumn Foster

Amid utter ruin, there stood an unfinished frame. 

After the rain, glory is what rested upon the only thing still standing. 

With every prayer, tear, and decision to trust, another brick is laid. 

The foundation being the only reason for survival, it withstood every storm, test, and trial - resilient. 

Breathtakingly beautiful, her refinement rests with hope in the finished work of her Builder. 

The fixed fight gave grace to this frame, with God testifying of Himself as the author and finisher of the greatest love story ever told.

Seeing lives changed under the transformative power of The Holy Spirit has always been a magnetizing draw for Autumn Foster. What began as encouragement for others through the vehicle of social media, with simplicity and Scripture, blossomed into a beautiful journey of self-healing. Vocationally faithful in Civil Services and Family Engagement Advocacy, her true purpose is connecting people to God. Thus, a love of writing deepened as she intentionally spent time in the presence of The Lord and began pouring out what she received. Devoted to her husband and four boys, she would say that “nothing outweighs the gratification of giving love and seeing the fruit of love in their lives”. “There is nothing more powerful than love. It is always worth fighting for”. You can connect with Autumn on Instagram.


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