Poems by Esther Florence

Paint my World Again

Dear Lord,

I see an empty canvas, only botches of sorrow and pain,
I see sickness and death, anguish and suffering,
People in loneliness, in depression, sinking into depths of self-pity,
Broken homes, lost jobs, and helpless children,
Everything seems black, everything seems dark.
Panic has gripped us and is almost governing our lives,
A virus has masked us and is causing us to hide,
Could you please paint our world again?

I also see your beautiful universe, the blue sky, the beautiful ocean,
The white lilies of the field, the gorgeous red roses in the valley,
The planets, the galaxies, and the heavenly bodies,
The greenery all around, the chirping birds, and the dancing peacocks,
Perfect imagery of an amazing canvas of life and brightness and color,
Lord if only we invited you earlier into our world,
If only we asked the God of the universe to take control of our world,
If only we didn’t keep you out of our lives,
Our homes, our schools, our churches,
If we didn't leave you there knocking at the door,
Our canvas would also have been perfect dear Lord, definitely perfect!
Forgive us Lord and visit us we pray,
Could you please paint our world again?

My Hiding Place

The dense fiery storm stared into my eyes,
The wind, the turbulence, the dark scary clouds,
The roaring waves, the furious sea,
The dreadful, gloomy, windy night,
Yet dear Lord was I not afraid,
For I hid under your feathers,
I took refuge in the shadow of your wings.

The roaring lion, the deceptive serpent, the ferocious wolves,
Tried to frighten me with their snares and traps,
The arrows, the bullets, and the darts of evil,
Were hurled at me with a tremendous aim,
Yet dear Lord was I not afraid,
For I hid under your feathers,
I took refuge in the shadow of your wings.

The scorching sun, bleak and unsmiling,
The endless stretch of sand with no sense of direction,
Treeless, hideous expanse with no oasis in sight,
The hot dry winds in this lonely, barren wilderness,
Yet dear Lord was I not afraid,
For I hid under your feathers,
I took refuge in the shadow of your wings.

The beautiful blue sky, the soft breeze,
The chirping birds, the clear sparkling brook,
The pleasant raindrops, the dancing peacock,
The magical sunset, the serene mystic beaches,
Even in these precious seasons of life,
I will feel secure dear Lord under your feathers,
And will take refuge in the shadow of your wings.

Esther Florence is a content writer and editor. She believes in the Lord Jesus Christ and desires to write for the glory of His name and the furtherance of His gospel.


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