One Day by Kaitlyn Fiedler

It’s high squeals and circles around and around in the kitchen
It’s a wagon ride up and down the driveway
It’s tiny fingers in your mouth and a blanky snuggled close after a wild, busy, and fun day

One day, you’ll be too old for this.

It’s spinning around and around in your father’s arms, head thrown back, laughing hard
It’s a proud smile as you learn how to peddle a bike for the first time
It’s a scrape on the knee in need of a mother’s care

One day, you’ll be too old for this.

It’s dancing around the house before your first date
It’s “look at this ring” and wedding planning
It’s watching you rock your own child off to sleep and praying time would stand still

One day, they’ll be too old for this.

Kaitlyn Fiedler lives near Greenville, SC with her husband and two year old son. She is a stay-at-home mom while pursuing her master’s degree in Christian Counseling from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. She enjoys writing, traveling, and a good book. She gives biblical encouragement on her blog here: and her Instagram account here:


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