On Psalm 84 by Kimberly Phinney


Sit and sip the air in through those boisterous lungs of yours.  

Then stay silent for a little while. 

Go out, walk widely, and watch the birds  

as they follow their roads in the sky toward their homes at night.  

The trees await the sparrows to cradle their nests and hoards— 

all provided for.  

The earth rests in a gentle hum, warm from the day’s sun for the marsh rabbits to settle into.  

Stand at the wood’s edge and touch the coming shadows. 

Then drink and listen to the air slow dance in the longleaf pines  

as the gray fox retraces her steps to her burrow, 

and the bluegill drops down into his muddy-water cave.  

Go quietly and see how stars are sometimes tucked behind clouds— 

Orion’s Belt draped in a resting constellation 

or Ursa Major in repose.  

Even the sun goes to sleep in the horizon’s crest,  

as the moon awakes from Heaven’s meadow to sing its lullaby.   

Oh, how there is shelter for every one!  

And for every shelter there is a soul in want!  

And we too, the watchers, are in search of rest— 

a place where we can retrace our steps back to the beginning: 

a dwelling or a tabernacle.  

Lord, either one will do! 


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