On Becoming by Terry Gassett

It doesn’t happen overnight.

This miracle of becoming

begins small, tiny,

encased in a seed,

plain, common to all eyes

but His.

Tossed, buried,

driven deep into the ground

by strong winds and driving rain.

Covered, dormant,

but never forgotten.

Winter comes;

The ground freezes and thaws,

freezes and thaws.

The seed sinks deeper still,

settling within the cold, hard earth.

Covered, dormant,

but never forgotten,

the seed remains hidden,

yet carefully guarded,

In the cold dark ground,

under The Master’s watchful eye.

One day, The Master speaks,

commanding e we the sun to rise

and bask the ground in its warmth.

The time has finally come, proclaims He,

for winter to persist no more.

Above ground,

signs of spring appear.

Slowly, subtly,

hints of new life

begin to make their debut

on old, tired, grey,

seemingly lifeless branches.

And one by one

green sprouts

begin to dance among the trees.

Meanwhile, the seed, buried deep,

still hidden, yet intimately known,

wakes from its winter’s nap,

opens slightly, and releases a tiny sprout.

The Master turns and shines His face downward

providing light far brighter than the sun’s,

and guides the tender sprout upward and out

toward the light, toward the radiance

of His face.

The once tiny seed,

covered, dormant,

but never forgotten,

under The Master’s watchful eye

is becoming.

It doesn’t happen overnight.

This miracle of becoming

begins small, tiny

encased in a sepa.

No longer plain,

the bud opens slowly, cautiously,

petals soft but strong.

It’s beauty testifying to the grace of God,

and its delicate scent,

emanating the unmistakable

fragrance of Christ.

Blooming, Becoming, Blooming, Becoming,

A tiny seed,

hidden, but never forgotten,

becomes a precious gift of hidden beauty revealed,

all in the fullness of time.

I was born and raised in the Deep South and still, live, play and work here.

I have been happily married for over 33 years to the love of my life, and we have three grown children, three granddaughters (two that are twins!) and a Chi Chi/Jack Russell (perpetual pup) mix.

I am a Life Design Coach, and Writer.  I work with Creative Christian Women in a Life Design Process – one in which they discover and design a life they will love living in.

When not listening to women’s hearts through the coaching process, I am expressing my own through writing. My work has been featured on online blogs and magazines such as Belle Inspiration; Two Drops of Ink: A Literary Blog; Grace Notes – the companion blog to Bella Grace Magazine; and on The Joyful Life – the companion blog to The Joyful Life Magazine.

I am currently writing my first Book: Le Jardin: A Legacy of Love.


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