"Midnight Hour" Poem by Brandy Davis

You hide behind the midnight hour,
Yesterday wags its finger,
Tallying up your cutting words,
Slicing open your loved ones.

You cower in the corner,
Trembling in shame
Under your Savior's name,
A name you bear
For everyone to see.

Softly, He lifts your head
Just enough
Whispering His forgiveness,
Directing His mercies to ride
On the morning's sunbeams
To greet you in golden glory.

He raises His hands,
Pointing to the eternal scars
Of your salvation
He gladly bears;
telling the world
You are His.
Your name safely written
On His palms,
Secure and unfading

Strengthen your feeble legs,
Beloved of God,
In His sufficient grace.
It is enough.
It is enough.


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Kelsey and Mario's Wedding by Allie Case Photography