May by Marlena Jenkins

Annie Spratt

there’s nothing so soft
as spring within the air
the songbirds chirp
with an exuberance
unknown by winter
it is neither too hot nor too cold
as a breeze whispers
through the grand oak trees

across the paddocks
prance this year’s foals
with their tails to the air
they seem to announce their presence
so let us do the same
saying spring, I am here too
and whatever you may hold
we will remain both ecstatic and bold

chipmunks scamper across the
dewy grass in what seems like a flash
and the blue skies above
remind us of our first loves

and may we remain
as carefree as the yearling’s mane
while butterflies trace our angles
disregarding the dust and the tangles

before we can blink
the shadows grow long and near
bringing about a sweet summer existence
but that young liquid eye
stays steady on God’s faithful horizon
through every fall
and every rising

Marlena Jenkins enjoys writing short stories along with poetry, in hopes of sharing the wonder and beauty of God, by finding his artistry in every moment. She resides in Nashville, TN, inspired by nature, the view of life from between equine ears, and the way God will meet us wherever we are within our individual stories.


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