Empty Room by Tricia Clark

This room once filled with giggles so hardy, you might bust at the seams—maybe I would, too. Though not far away, you’re not here.

As winds blow in the bittersweet school days, I admire your independence. Still hoping you will glance, to need me a moment longer! But you didn’t.

The winding road turned into years, transforming a whimsical girl into a spirited teen; embracing shifting sands beneath. Emotional waves swelling up, crashing down. Navigating who you were or wanted to be.

Now a beautiful woman with places to be. With the door left unlocked, I know you will rush in, remembering what you’ve forgotten. Out again. Waving goodbye. Driving away—speedily.

Time to set you free. Free to fly beyond the protection of home. Praying you never forget to crave the One who created you.

And when your little ones arrive, embrace each moment; they effortlessly disappear.

This generational waltz, a beautiful melody, serenades the dance floor. Aroma of laughter. Tears. Joys, filling the atmosphere. Remind me, why this empty room? Oh, yes, for your chance, my darling girl, at raising yours to love the Lord. Drift, as you will, into your own” empty room”.

Tricia Clark grew up in Lakeland Florida, giving her life to Jesus at the tender age of seventeen. While married to her husband of 23 years and serving as a music minister’s wife, she recently finished twelve bittersweet years of homeschooling adventures. Looking ahead to future endeavors, she passionately steps into the world of writing, fulfilling this newly discovered call God has placed within her heart. May you find inspiration and encouragement as you sense God’s captivating love sprinkled throughout her writings. She openly welcomes you to contact her on social media or by email at: Worshipleaderswife96@yahoo.com, https://www.facebook.com/tricia.clark.921, Instagram: triciac97


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