Christmas is Around the Corner by Mike Buchanan

Go back. Look again. See the innocence in the God-babe. Think of what it means—someone born without the blemish of sin. Born in the humblest of ways, and not in the manner He is truly deserving. He’s approachable. He wants YOU to come near. And you? You need to get as close as possible. Go back. Look again. See the out of place Father. He was going to be “step-dad” to the Prince-King of the Universe. Joseph didn’t apply for the job. However, when an angel told him it was necessary for service to the King-King, he yielded. He was available. He shows everyone has a role if they’re not concerned about who gets the glory.

Go back. Look again. See the awe of the mom. The Being had created her, and she just delivered him in human form. She took a huge risk. Virgins who lost their virginity usually turned into small rock quarries in her day. Yet, she saw something greater playing out, and she wanted to be a part of it. She was willing. She shows us no matter what our plans are if we yield our will...God can do new things in us and through us.

Go back. Look again. See the wonder of the shepherds. They were out on their own, minding their sheep. Why on earth would God send heavenly hosts to bring the first invitation to such people as themselves? They were beyond curious. They had probably heard about this Messiah for years, and to think they could meet Him? They show us God will speak to us wherever we are to get His message across.

Remember what it meant to you the first time you heard the story. Think about how you felt (or feel) hearing God left heaven to come and be born as The Gift. For me. And you. Remember, His love doesn’t change. He’s always been seeking you out like the shepherds. He wants to do new things in and through us as He did with Mary. He has a part for us to play like Joseph.

Lastly and most importantly, no matter how close you are, or ever have been, He wants to be as close to you as you’ll let Him…like when you first imagined Jesus in the manger.


Joy in Truth by Joyce Isenbarger


A Letter from the Editor of Calla Press