A Letter from the Editor of Calla Press

Lately, I’ve been struck by the outpouring of submissions to Calla Press. Some have made me weep to the point where I find my lips uttering a prayer to the writer. Others have made me smile—laugh—it’s the tying of words together that leaves us gracefully undone, right?

Most days, I’m such a mire mess that I need Jesus’ truth to sit me down and hush my rambling or my futile doings of the day.

Are you like this? You’re probably already thinking of the next thing to do after reading this entry. It’s exhausting, isn’t it?

Isn’t it tiring to get up and show up to do it again and again? The laundry, the dishes, the sticky stovetop, the wailing child whom you so tenderly love, it’s the whirl of life that can leave us lost at times—but’s it’s the love of God that finds us amidst the chaos. That makes me glad, friends.

As the editor of Calla Press, it has truly been my honor and privilege to publish your words—your hearts—and share them with those willing to read.

As a fellow writer myself, I pray you to continue writing for His glory—for His namesake—and I pray you don’t let the white noise of life quiet your inner voice to speak the truth in this broken world. You don’t need a platform when your platform is the truth of Jesus Christ; everything you write is for His glory.

We need truth writers more than ever before. We need hope to break the tangles of depression and anxiety, and worry.

I’ve had writers who have lost someone they love, too; a woman in India lost her father and submitted a poem she wrote on his behalf. Another dear friend lost her dear husband to COVID and shared their heartbreaking promise with us.

This is my why friends. I have a heart for those who are suffering and want to share their suffering to encourage others—this is the ministry of Calla Press and why I founded it back in April of 2019.

Will you join the Calla Press mission to use words and creativity to point to the Father?

I pray you do. I pray God’s will be done in your corner of the world, just like it is my own.



Founder and Editor of Calla Press

"There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing."

Proverbs 12:18

Samantha Cabrera is the founder and editor of Calla Press, an online publication featuring stories of faith, Biblically-sound articles, poetry, and photography. Her mission in life is to glorify Jesus Christ through storytelling and creativity. As an artist and writer herself, Samantha loves publishing work that speaks hope to readers. She has her MFA in Writing from Lindenwood University and is a former English teacher turned stay-at-home mama. She lives in Waco, TX, with her husband and son.


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