Broken by Debra Snyder

“The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart and saves such as have a contrite spirit.”

Psalms 34:18

As I go and face a new day, 

I feel unprepared and unsure of what to say.

I know that you go with me wherever I am,

But sometimes it’s hard for me to fully understand.

I see those around me and feel that I am less,

I forget that you are there and call me blessed.

I feel just like an outdated and unused toy,

I let the world and all it’s distractions steal my joy.

Broken is what I see when I look at me,

One who is too far gone, in pieces, and will never be free.

Then I hear you speak gently to my soul,

You tell me “Be still and remember who is in control.”

“There is never one who is too broken to be healed,

I bore that weight on Calvary for you and your destiny was sealed.”

“Though you see when you look in a mirror a wretched soul,

I battled more than you could understand to make sure that you are free and made whole.

If you never broke, then you would never know,

How much better and stronger things can become once they are again made whole.”

“You see my child every time you broke I was there to mend,

And make sure that you were stronger and able to face a new day again.”

So the next time you feel unworthy and a mess,

Remember He who was broken most of all to make you blessed.

Being broken can sometimes be the best thing to happen to you,

For if we never broke we would never feel the need of what His great love can do.


Tears for Triumph by Emma Englund


It’s Not Over Till It’s Over by Debra Snyder