Windsong by Kathryn Sadakierski

the wind stirs the running brooks,

and the water of the pond

brushed with sun,

sugaring season, spring welcomed in

the buckets of tin

collecting the nectar 

of light, life,

the whittled brown whispers of grass

just now coming back,

made gold under the strengthening sun

that stays for longer visits these days,

nourishing the flowers,

making us at home,

as though this reborn land

was always simply a warm kitchen,

with pitchers of handpicked backyard blooms,

where we share our stories 

and time in the shining rays of possibility,

every wish for this new season

like a stone skipped,

in leaps and bounds,

extending loving arms,

this hope I feel

like the crocuses stretching, awaking,

from the fresh soil

of another parchment

on which to inscribe

burgeoning dreams 

for the unbroken future.

the wind briskly whistles in

a song for now,

not only then,

from where it’s been,

telling of what life,

regeneration, birth of the spirit,

there still is to see.

Kathryn Sadakierski’s poems, essays, devotionals, and reviews have appeared in literary magazines, journals, and newspapers around the world, including Agape ReviewAmethyst ReviewChristian Courier (Canada), Critical ReadEdge of FaithEkstasis MagazineForeshadow MagazinePensive: A Global Journal of Spirituality and the Arts, Refresh Bible Study Magazine, Snapdragon: A Journal of Art and HealingSpirit Fire Review, The Curator Magazine, and elsewhere. She holds a B.A. and M.S. from Bay Path University.


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