Underneath the Mountains

It has been such a long time since I’ve written anything. My teaching job has kept me busy, but there’s nothing I’d rather be doing. I felt compelled to write a simple message over a dream I had.
Several nights ago, I had a dream that I was stranded on a mountainous rock; it was gold as the sun was hitting it, but I was so high up on this giant mountain that I felt fear. I was only standing on a very small part, just the perfect size to where I couldn’t actually move anywhere, or climb, but could only stand still and wonder.
I began to wonder why God would bring me here, only to have me unable to move anywhere. I tried turning around to climb, putting my arms out above me and my foot on a small rock but was scared to take the step, in fear the rock would crumble underneath my foot. I turned back around and looked at the sun setting. I finally realized that perhaps God brought me here, in this exact spot, to simply reflect on His beauty. Where he placed me was actually quite beautiful; the turquoise sea was below me, with hints of gold on the reflections of the waves. I could feel my skin warm, too. I ended up simply marveling, instead of figuring out how to climb further up. I don’t believe that was God’s intentions for putting me there; it wasn’t to climb higher than I already was, or to merely leave, but to marvel at where He put me and to simply give thanks.
I think many times we lose sight of the beauty of our surroundings because we’re so fixated with how people view us or perceive us, or how well we’re doing with what we’re given. It’s true, that we must be good and faithful servants with what we’re given, but that doesn’t always mean to turn it into more. Sometimes, it’s to make it fuller of Him—His story and goodness and grace.
So many times and I’m guilty of this, too, we are concerned with climbing higher, with always putting our perfect self out there, with constantly being busy lest we feel idle or appear idle—but, what is Heaven’s reality? Are the angels scrambling around trying to please God, or, are they before Him, “calling to one another: "Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory." Isaiah 6:3
I realized that this simple dream of mine was for me to reflect—to give glory—to stop worrying—to be content—to shout more praise and fewer worries—and to hold fast to my faith.
“In the last days the mountain of the LORD’s temple will be established as the highest of the mountains; it will be exalted above the hills, and all nations will stream to it.” Isaiah 2:2
Mountains are incredibly symbolic of many things. I just know, deep within my soul, heart and body, that I desire nothing more—more than my life—to be standing among the mountain of God. I do that, now, by filling what lies beneath my mountain so full of Christ that it exudes His story, His promises, and His faithfulness as the bedrock of my life.
"The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold." Psalm 18:2

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