Tired Momma by Annie Gray

Photography by Lauren Bryant

I looked into your red-rimmed eyes and saw myself
Those wonder-filled newborn days are over and you are in the middle of the hard

Everyone comments on how sweet your baby is and how great you look
“Baby doesn’t sleep,” you say,
And no one seems to hear your cry for help
How you are exhausted beyond belief
How you dread the coming night because you know you will catch minutes and not hours of sleep

How every nerve is on edge
How there is nothing left to give and you want, so desperately, to be able to give -

to your family, your husband, your big kids, your friends
You aren’t sure you can do this anymore, but there is no way out
Well-meaning friends offer advice to help baby sleep
Others give you a smile and move on
Does no one see, can’t they hear the desperation in your voice?
Do they know you have locked yourself in the bathroom, tears streaming down your face because you are at the end of your strength?
Do they know how gratitude and resentment battle constantly in your heart?

Hang in there momma
Be gentle with yourself
How I wish I could take away this season for you because it is so, so hard
I give you a hug and tell you I see you
I mentally plan to drop off coffee and check in on you
I can’t take this season from you, but I can walk you through it with gentleness -

the same gentleness others showed me
You will make it through, one long night at a time
Don’t give up

He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young. (Isaiah 40:11 NIV)

Annie Gray is a writer who loves Jesus, books, and all things beautiful. She loves learning about women who followed Jesus during turbulent times in Church history such as Julian of Norwich and Joan of Arc. She is a momma to three sweet urchins who keep her constantly busy, delightfully entertained and occasionally frustrated.


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