Threadbare by Maryann Gubala

I am weary, faded, and worn,
Like a threadbare cloth almost fully torn.
The threads of the warp and woof lay bare,
From the friction of the world and inner despair.

My heart is heavy from all that I see,
And the voices that scream so loudly within me.
Some days I feel so anxious and frail,
And overwhelmed by suffering's massive scale.

How many times can a garment be repaired?
Is there hope that a worn one might still be spared?
Sometimes I feel like I'm just too far gone,
And I forget the promised hope of dawn.

My words are feeble, and I fear to speak.
But Lord, help me believe even when things look so bleak!
Don't let me settle for mismatched, unshrunk patches,
Nor abandon myself to destructive fire and ashes.

Please don’t let these fragile threads break,
But oh, if they do, surely You can still make.
For, in Your skilled hands, nothing goes to waste,
Even holes and stubborn stains can be wholly erased.

You promised to finish every good work You ever began,
So help me to trust that You still have a plan.
You are still working, making like only You can do,
Making even seemingly hopeless things new.

Maryann Gubala is a writer, crafter, content creator, and occasional poet who believes that everyone was created to create and be creative, just not always in what would be considered traditional artistic mediums. Whether using words, fabric, objects, or a mix of other materials, she seeks to weave symbols, thoughts, and metaphors together into tapestries of light that inspire thought, reflection, honesty, and hope. With each piece she shares with the world, she hopes to create a spark that inspires others to explore a concept more and maybe even make something of their own, with whatever medium suits them. Maryann regularly finds inspiration and metaphors in God’s creation and the process of creating. She shares her poetry at


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