The Altar by Mike Buchanan

The altar calls with the Spirit’s Voice.

We must hear it above other sounds.

Listen to what it says to each of us.

We must put into practice what it teaches.

The altar calls to the pastor: Tell His Story.

Use His Scripture.  The Good News never changes.

The need has been the same throughout time.

Have a savior-seeking church first and foremost.

The altar calls to the lost: come home,

This is where your heart truly belongs.

You can be safe here and find rest.

You can start a new life with Christ’s people.

The altar calls to the prodigal: come back,

God, the Father, has been waiting, for you.

He’s never stopped watching for you,

His Arms are open for you.  Now is the time.

The altar calls to the Christian:

Make your life right here, but don’t stay.

There is a world that needs your light.

Take that witness and go shine it to them.

The altar calls to the worship leaders:

Invite the listeners to come down 

Have them kneel here to praise God.

Lead in songs of meaning that glorify Him


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