Stains by Stephanie Nygaard

It’s strawberry June

and the berries need picked.

Soon, my fingers are dripping

red ink berry blood.

It runs down my fingers

to pool in my palm,

leaving a stain.

The basket now full,

I turn to the silver water of the spigot, 

let it tickle my skin,

a pale pink trickle 

streaming down.

The stains disappear.

Fresh, clean hands reappear.

I begin to think,

what will wash away 

the black ink etched 

onto the canvas of my heart?

It’s then that I remember—

not what but who.

My Jesus,

whose hands also dripped red ink blood,

though not from berries,

will wash away

every inky smudge 

and leave my heart 

white as snow, 

a blank canvas ready for pure paint.

Stephanie Nygaard lives on (almost) seven acres of land in Central Illinois with her husband, Jim, and three daughters, whom she homeschools. The Bible, beauty, and books offer an endless supply of inspiration for her writing, which she hopes will point people to God. Stephanie can often be found with a book in one hand, a cup of tea in the other, and a journal in her lap. She firmly believes one can never have too many photos of the sunset. Stephanie shares her writing and other creative offerings on Black Barn Online and Instagram. 


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