Smiling in a Sinking Ship by Esther Florence

It was a beautiful morning in March 2005, and I was eight-months pregnant with my first baby. I was quite a sight with swollen feet and face, and a visit to the doctor confirmed that my blood pressure was pretty high. It was 180/120, while the normal is 120/80. We had gone for a regular checkup, and this ensured that I immediately got admitted. I was under the impression that my BP will come down, and I can go home. However, after a couple of days and my BP remained the same. The doctors said that it was a threat to both the baby and me and may cause paralysis or other complications.

On the morning of March 24th, still thinking that I would be discharged, I heard a clear voice that said, “Nothing is impossible with God.” It rang loud and clear in my ears. It seemed very close and near to me. I believe the Lord was encouraging me. In an hour or so, the doctor said that they would have to do the operation as the baby’s heartbeat was slowing down. I had only one prayer, Lord, I want a normal and healthy baby. In the evening, the operation was done, and by the grace of God, I delivered a baby girl. I never got to see her as she was just 3.3 pounds or 1.5 kg, and they moved her to another hospital’s neonatal ICU. The thought that the baby was alive helped me heave a sigh of relief, but there was still an ounce of panic. I trusted the Lord’s promise, and I knew He is faithful.

When I got discharged from this hospital, walking out without a baby in my arms was strange, but I was grateful she was safe in another hospital with my loving Heavenly Father watching over her. By His grace and His grace alone, she started improving, and within a couple of days, they asked me to come to the NICU to feed her. When I held this tiny baby in my arms, for the first time in four or five days, I smiled in gratitude to my Heavenly Father, who gave me this precious gift. Being my first baby, I was even afraid I would drop her, but she was alive, well, and adorable.

That day, 15 years ago, I learned this precious lesson practically. I have heard many sermons, read many books, but this experience truly taught me that with Christ in the vessel, I can smile at the storm. When all seems hopeless, when doctors give up, and when it looks like the ship is sinking, always remember the Lord Jesus is in the boat. It may seem to you that He is sleeping, but He is there, and He knows. He will calm the storm and put a smile back on your face. No storm is too furious for Him to handle, trust Him wholeheartedly. Sometimes things may not go the way you desired but even then, believe that the Lord has never made a mistake in your life, and He never will.

The first year was crucial, but she grew up normally and now is a typical, healthy teen who loves the Lord, and honestly, each time I think of this ordeal, she makes me smile. Indeed I will bless the Lord at all times. His praise shall continually be in my mouth. Keep smiling as your Savior is greater and stronger than any trouble or hardship that you may face!

I am Esther Florence, a content writer, and editor. I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and desire to write for His glory and the furtherance of His gospel. I live in Chennai, India, and am the mother of two daughters. I love writing, editing, Bible journaling, reading books, and listening to music. I would love opportunities to write more for the Lord Jesus, especially for children. You can find me on Facebook at Esther Florence.


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