Seasons by Michelle Stankos

I love fall.  The vibrant hues of the leaves, the cooler temperatures, the smells of bonfires and pumpkin spice everything.  The falling leaves are a constant reminder that even in seasons of change God is faithful to make all things new again.  

This year I turned 50.  How can this be?  I have young adult daughters and my role as a parent has made a drastic shift.  I have entered into a new season of my life.  Much like the four seasons of the year, we also navigate through many seasons during our lifetime.  Some may be exhilarating and full of adventure.  While others may be devastating, leaving you with lost hope.  

As I sat down and began to wrestle with what this new season of life would look like I found myself reflecting on the words of King Solomon in Ecclesiastes 3:1. “There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens."

This is a stark reminder of God’s plan and purpose and faithfulness for us during every season.  

I remember distinctly a day long ago when my oldest daughter was two, I took a few minutes to sit outside enjoying a beautiful fall afternoon while she was napping, and I was suddenly struck with the thought of “What happens when she no longer takes a nap?”  “Will I ever be able to get them to nap together?”  “Will I ever have a moment to myself again?”  

Although we go through too many seasons to even count in one lifetime, we can always count on one thing.  God will see us through even the toughest of them.  In fact, it is often during the most difficult, heart-wrenching seasons of life that we are able to grow in our relationship with Christ.  

For the seasons that seem never-ending…hang on tight.  As someone who grew up in West Virginia in the '70s and 80’s I made it through many winters that I thought would never end.  This could be why I have lived in central Florida for the past 25 years.  

I feel like we give so much negativity to the thought of going through a season.  Seasons of life can be beautiful my friends.  They can grow us much like the flowers in the spring.  They can weed away the unnecessary parts of us much like the leaves in the fall.  Seasons can paralyze us under the depths of ice and snow like the long winters.  And they can invigorate us like the warmth of the sunshine on our faces as we soak up the lazy days of summer.  

As I look back on that day of early parenthood, I see that although the naps did stop, I made it through.  That little two-year-old is now almost 21 and thriving.  I am thriving as well.  

God makes everything beautiful in its own time.  We all can hold onto that hope.  A season is just that.  A brief time.  Without them, life would be pretty boring.  

"Draw near to God and he will draw near to you." James 4:8

My name is Michelle Stankos and I am from Orlando, Florida.  I am a former elementary school teacher who has always had a passion for reading and writing.  I recently published my first children's book based on my childhood experiences in my family's neighborhood grocery store.  It is a dream come true to be living out my heart's desire to be a writer.  I have two almost-grown daughters.  I work part-time in a clothing boutique and love to read and travel in my spare time.  


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