Q&A with the author, Liz Wann

Purchase The End of Me published by The Good Book Company

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

In high school, I knew I wanted to write, but I wasn't sure what that looked like or what kind of things I wanted to write about.  

How long does it take you to write a book?

It took me roughly eight months. I wrote a chapter a month for this book because that's what worked well for me and my family.  

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?

I usually fidget with a pen, my wedding ring, or my earring!

Do you have any fears or doubts as a writer that creep in from time to time?

I went through a period where I wondered if I would be able to get a book published because the process was so long and involved for me; it included many rejections along the way.  

Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?

I've gotten a lot of inspiration from reading a wide variety of books that get me thinking. I've been inspired by events in my life and by my children at times.  

How did you go about publishing The End of Me?

I had an agent approach me and start working with me two years before I got the book deal. It was a long process with him and there were multiple rejections. It proved to not be a great experience as well. I eventually just reached out to a writer over at The Good Book Company who put me in touch with the publisher. They immediately responded, loved the proposal, and said this was the kind of motherhood book they had been looking for. 

How would you encourage other Christian writers who desire to get their stories published?

To just keep writing and keep trying. But also to be flexible and able to adjust their expectations. Ask for input from other writers and/or get a coach if you are still having trouble being published.  

What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?

That I actually enjoyed the process of writing and working on the edits and feedback that was given to me. I thought I wouldn't enjoy it and it would be grueling for me, especially with having a family.

What was the hardest thing in submitting your manuscript to a Christian publisher?

Hoping that the edits and feedback wouldn't make me feel overwhelmed. But I have to say that I never did. 

Do you have any suggestions to help someone become a better writer? If so, what are they?

Read good books. Ones that are well written. I find a lot of these to be the classics. Read poetry as well. Then just write down your thoughts without worrying about the structure. Work on getting out the content and ideas, what it is you are trying to say, and saying it as clearly as possible.  

Liz has been involved with the ministries of Risen Motherhood and Revive Our Hearts, writing about how God has been working in her life through the hardships of motherhood. Liz Wann lives in West Philadelphia with her husband Josh and their three children. She is a regular contributor to desiringGod.org, Revive Our Hearts, and ERLC.com. She is also a content writer for Alistair Begg’s Truth for Life ministries and editor-in-chief at Morning by Morning. She can be found online at LizWann.com.


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