Pursuing Christ at all Cost by Erika Bailey

Do you have courageous faith? I like to believe I do. However, when I place my bold trust alongside others, I realize I'm measured on a second-class bravery scale. My admittance isn't promoting disparity. If anything, it's a confirmation of how blessed I am. I've never found myself with anything left to lose except my faith. To pursue Christ at all cost, even if it means death. Have you?

There's a woman in the bible whose inspirational story exhibits just that.

"And there was a woman who had had a discharge of blood for twelve years, and though she had spent all her living on physicians, she could not be healed by anyone. She came up behind him and touched the fringe of his garment, and immediately her discharge of blood ceased." Luke 8:43-44 ESV

To understand her courage, we must first understand the law. Israelites received directions from God on how to live a life of holiness. What to eat, what not to eat. What to sacrifice, what not to sacrifice. What to touch, what not to touch. Even specific guidelines on handling skin diseases and bodily fluids. (Lev. 15) Blood discharge indicated "unclean" or defiled. A women's menstruation required seclusion while it took place. Once over, a sacrifice was needed to restore cleanliness. If she touched anyone, or anyone touched her during this time, they too were defiled. Defilement was a serious matter, causing prohibition to enter the tabernacle. If they entered, they invited God's judgment onto them. (Lev. 15:31) God's commandment regarding a violation of this law determined they'd be "cut off from among their people." (Lev. 20:18)

Marked unclean, she knew going into a crowd was risky, exposing a multitude to her defilement: death or life infringement. However, rumors throughout the land about miracles by a man named Jesus gave her hope. Her faith renewed in realizing she too could be healed. Defiled for twelve years while exhausting every penny she ever earned, death was worth the risk because she had nothing else to lose.

She paced behind Him, brushing against the crowd. She knew her uncleanliness was spilling onto them. Still, pressing on, courageously faithful. She reached out with anticipation to grasp onto the hem of His garment. Finally, His robe was between her fingers and simultaneously an automatic confirmation of internal wholeness. Divine healing.

Then Jesus asks, "Who touched me?" (vs. 45)

A miraculous moment turned to terror. She recognized her healing but also her offense.

"And when the woman saw that she was not hidden, she came trembling, and falling down before him declared in the presence of all the people why she had touched him, and how she had been immediately healed." Luke 8:47

Instead of being held to the extent of the law, Jesus graciously recognized her faith.

"And he said to her, "Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace." Luke 8:48

To have courageous faith when persecution is at hand. I'm thankful to say I've not personally experienced a need to be this courageous in my faith pursuits. However, fellow brothers and sisters of faith live this fate in various parts of the world every day. Some even choose to place themselves in such environments. They risk their lives for the faith. Knowing the laws, but still accepting the degradation for Christ's sake. An inspiration as I read about it in the comfort of my home nestled in the freedom of religion.

Would I, too, be this courageous if I had nothing else to lose? Would I courageously pursue Christ, going against the laws of the land? Even in death?

Questions I regretfully consider, as I pray to never be in such a position. However, I do feel it is essential to regard. The world can take everything but me, but it cannot take away my Jesus. God forbid I ever see persecution come into the free world, but living with certainty that it never will is neglectful on my part.

Freedom uncertainty isn't a call for woe. If anything, the woman's grit in Luke 8 encourages me to newfound bravery. Taking a bold stance to follow Jesus, pursue Him, take hold of Him, and have courageous faith amid uncertainties, even persecution or death. A call to action. A charge to press on. Add in the beautiful response from Jesus; you'll find an answer to a divine equation, inviting us all to live courageously for Him.

Boldly pursuing Christ at all cost, a life lived with courageous faith.

*Will you partner with me today in praying for our fellow courageous faith pursuers who are afflicted or facing imminent martyrdom? Lord, cover them with your mercies!

Erika Bailey is the founder of The Round Farmhouse Ministries. She and her husband, Travis live in a round farmhouse in the foothills of the WV mountains with their four children. Erika loves to dig into God's Word and make texts centuries-old applicable today. Through her teachings, she hopes to guide you in God's Word, making you laugh, and possibly cry a tear or two (happy tears of course). She prays her writings are relatable, encouraging, and bring you closer to the Lord.


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