Pink Perfection by Terry Gassett

Her beauty is always a welcome sight
when fall’s brown hues
replace any hint of brighter colors,
and the grey of winter is slowly
making its way down south.

The first bud always surprises!
She prefers to pop out
under the cover of darkness
when the night watchman
has fallen asleep.

Braver now, more buds follow her lead.
Opening slowly, yet still a bit shyly,
each tiny bud begins to give a slight hint
of the beauty held inside.

Small, demure, seemingly ordinary,
until the hidden gift unveils:
an abundance of tiny, perfect, pink petals,
whose unfolding takes your breath away.

She wears her name, “Pink Perfection”, well,
providing bursts of extraordinary color and beauty
as she lingers
throughout the otherwise dreary winter months.  

Much too soon, she departs,
as quietly as she arrived,
petals quietly falling to the ground below,
like gentle snowflakes,
until a lush carpet of pink is formed,
beckoning me to take off my shoes,
even in the middle of winter,
slowly wade in,
and let her petals gently caress my feet.

I was born and raised in the Deep South and still, live, play and work here.

I was happily married for almost 34 years to the love of my life, until he died of Covid in April of this year. Bill and I have three grown children, three granddaughters (two that are twins!) and a Chi Chi/Jack Russell (perpetual pup) mix.

I am a Life Design Coach, Writer, and Artist. I work with Creative Christian Women in a Life Design Process - one in which they discover and design a life they will love living in!

When not listening to women's hearts through the coaching process, I am expressing my own through writing. My work has been featured on online blogs and magazines such as Belle Inspiration; Two Drops of Ink: A Literary Blog; Grace Notes - the companion blog to Bella Grace Magazine; and on The Joyful Life - the companion blog to The Joyful Life Magazine.

I am currently writing our love story entitled “Grief and Grace: A Love Story, which chronicles the love Bill and I shared, as well as the grief journey I now find myself on, and the Love of God which runs through both stories.


The Promise by Terry Gassett


My Beautiful Imperfection by Nancy Lopez