Offerings by Kathryn Sadakierski

I shovel the leaves autumn left
Over the fence, But no matter how long I work,
I never can gather every leaf.
These offerings we lay
At the feet of God
Are offshoots of our hearts,
Budded from the blossom of love,
And so while we cannot be perfect, ourselves,
The art we create from the graces we have
Can be, if they are etched in pure light.
Another leaf always falls,
Something new is always in flight,
Life never sitting still,
But I can at least try
To catch them anyway,
Holding onto branches of hope,
Holding onto these leaves that reflect the sun,
Gilding the delicate rivers of their veins,
Reading nature’s story of God’s blessings.

Kathryn Sadakierski’s poems, essays, devotionals, and reviews have appeared in literary magazines, journals, and newspapers around the world, including Agape ReviewAmethyst ReviewChristian Courier (Canada), Critical ReadEdge of FaithEkstasis MagazineForeshadow MagazinePensive: A Global Journal of Spirituality and the Arts, Refresh Bible Study Magazine, Snapdragon: A Journal of Art and HealingSpirit Fire Review, The Curator Magazine,and elsewhere. She holds a B.A. and M.S. from Bay Path University.


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