Kate's Day by Sandy Brannan

Kate knew it was almost time to leave. When she caught Jordan’s eye across the crowd, she knew he was thinking exactly what she was. The wedding had been perfect, truly what she had dreamed about as a little girl, but it was time for it to end. Smiling at her husband of only a few hours, she was ready to spend time alone with him, ready to start their new life.

When he winked at her and gave her a smile, she had her answer. She had been avoiding her grandfather all night; she knew it and her new husband knew it too. They had talked about him a lot lately and how today would affect him. When Jordan winked, she instantly knew what he was trying to tell her. It was time.

Smiling at everyone she passed, she was sure none of them would notice that she really didn’t see them. She was looking for one person and her smile wouldn’t reach her eyes until she found him, until she talked to him. Looking past the tables where so many of her friends were still enjoying a slice of the wedding cake that had exceeded her expectations, she saw him.

Not surprised to find him alone, she grabbed the bottom of her flowing wedding gown as she made her way toward the water. It was fitting to find him here. So much of their life together had been spent on the water. If she closed her eyes, she could see them together at his favorite fishing hole when she was about five years old. She held back a giggle as she remembered his expression when she caught a huge fish that day. He had been shocked, but his pride had been unmistakable. She thought back to all the days spent at the beach together, letting their feet splash at the edge of the water. These memories spanned her entire life. In fact, it was when their toes were sinking into the sand one day that she had told him about Jordan. Her breath caught when she remembered the flicker of sadness that had entered his eyes before he allowed himself to smile and tell her how happy he was for her.

She knew the moment he sensed her presence. He didn’t turn around, didn’t call out to her, didn’t give any indication he knew she was near, but his body stiffened ever-so-slightly. No one else would have seen it, but how could she not? Kate had spent almost every day of her life with her grandfather, and she knew him as well as he knew himself. That’s how she knew how much today had cost him.


“There she is.”

“It’s beautiful here, isn’t it?”

“You’re the beautiful one.”

Not missing the tears in his eyes, Kate reached up to put her arms around her grandfather’s neck before softly asking, “Dance with me?”

As they softly swayed to music only the two of them could hear, no words were needed. Kate needed to say good-bye and her grandfather needed to let her. After today, they both knew things would change. It was more than her moving out, even though the thought of leaving him alone had kept her up on more nights than she could count. It was an end to a life neither one had ever thought would end.

When he heard footsteps approaching, he knew who it was. He liked Jordan. He couldn’t give his girl away to anyone else; a fact that didn’t stop his heart from feeling like it was breaking in two. But he knew the time had come, so he gave his Kate one last soft squeeze before letting her go. Not wanting to see her cry, he reached out and grabbed Jordan’s hand, his eyes never leaving the younger man’s as he gently used his other hand to move Kate closer to her new life and away from him.


Not letting her finish, he gently placed a soft kiss on her cheek before telling her, “I think I’ll go get some of that cake.”

Jordan held Kate as they both watched her grandfather slowly walk away. Leaving a gentle kiss on her head, Jordan told her, “He’ll be okay. Let’s go.”

The smile on her face didn’t reveal the tiny crack that had found its way to her heart.

As rice rained down on them a few minutes later, they made their way to the waiting car. Kate forced herself to not look back, not sure if she would leave if she saw her grandpa’s face again.

Sitting at the table with a slice of cake in front of him, he looked up at the clear blue sky and thanked God for today before adding thanks for every day he had been given with his granddaughter. He had known this day would come, but it didn’t stop the pain from crushing him. Using the fork to smash a small piece of cake before lifting it to his mouth, he knew it was time to go. Time to go home to the empty cottage that held echoes of his little girl. He smiled as he stood up and headed toward his car. He wouldn’t be alone. Memories of Kate would be with him always. He was glad she and Jordan would now make new ones of their own.

Sandy Brannan, author of Becoming Invisible, So Much Stays Hidden, Masquerade, and Frozen in Time, teaches middle and high school English. She also is a contributing writer for The Real Deal of Parenting and Her View From Home. Sandy’s idea of a perfect day is one spent creating memories with her grandchildren. This usually includes coloring and reading a lot of books. You can read more of her work on her blog at sandybrannan.com. Sandy is also active on social media at facebook.com/sandybrannanauthor and instagram.com/sandybrannanauthor. You can follow her on Amazon at amazon.com/author.sandybrannan.


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