Joy by Audrey Varga

They always are pursuing me,
and constantly they roam
ever searching, ever yearning
for something not their own:

To flit from mountain peak to peak
on clouds with glory glazed;
forever dancing in the glow
where mundane thought is caged.

But when this bliss-filled paradise
is woven day-to-day,
the glamour fades with warp revealed
and joy? It fades away.

Yet what these aching hearts forget
and many never find,
fulfillment in one’s restless soul
is of a simpler kind.

I do have heights and look-outs high,
though few and far between;
for only with these lower vales,
are mountains glor’ous seen.

So, do not seek me on the cloud.
Oft’ moments small I’m in;
and waiting in eternal things,
adventure, yours, begins.

Audrey loves discovering more of Jesus and adventuring in obedience to Him. She grew up in the Midwest but now lives in New England with her husband and two dogs. 


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